Saturday, July 11, 2009

0600 07-07-09 ALLIANCE

twisting-back/forward bending-palms up side bends-arm circles-alternating backwards lunging/knee to ankle/knee pull-hindu squats-hindu push ups

1/4 TGU
10 R/L

10 minutes of work/5 exercises-2 minutes an exercise/2 minutes of rest
1. 2 hand swings
2. v-ups
3. push press 1/1
4. body weight squats
5. floor press 1/1

2 minutes of rest

1. 1 hand swings 1/1
2. straight leg sit ups
3. 2 hand squats
4. push ups
5. tactical lunges

2 minutes of rest

1. figure 8's
2. leg lifts
3. clean and press 1/1
4. mtn climbers
5. clean and squat 1/1

2 minutes of rest

1. clean and lunge and press 1/1
2. squat thrusts
3. squat and push press 1/1
4. walk out/in
5. 1 hand swings and cleans 1/1

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