Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday night group workout at MASC

I was stoked when I came up with this grueling, self hating, muscle grinding routine! As the day grew longer I realized that I would not have the energy to participate in the festivities with my loyal Wednesday night victims. It was fun watching them enjoy the pain!


10/3minute rounds with 1 minute rest

  1. Single kettlebell alternating swings
  2. Medicine ball slams
  3. Single kettlebell snatch L&R
  4. 24 inch box hops
  5. Single kettlebell cleans L&R
  6. Deck squats
  7. Single kettlebell jerks L&R
  8. TGU
  9. Medicine ball wall ball
  10. Battling ropes

A good time was had by all!

Music provided by Vision Quest Soundtrack, yes the 80's wrestling movie with Matthew Modine, not my choice by any means.


jmt20psu said...

I will attest to the grueling aspect of this workout. I started at Wall Balls and was able to push my way through with some good personal numbers until I blew up on the deck squats exercise 8 on my rotation. Leaving a lacking performance on jerks and TGU's. I had to work the midnight shift later.... not fun.

KimT said...

I attest to the grueling part too! It was a blast as usual though. Pushed through and finished strong, but the ropes were deceivingly difficult, and hard on the shoulder. Can't wait for the next torture session!