Saturday, December 13, 2008

The infamous "Sissy Test"

Why do some people thrive on putting their bodies through such pain and agony? I don't know but I'm one of those masochistic people. Most normal folks will stop and take a breather and even sit down if they feel faint or nauseous during a workout. Not me, my brain tells me good job and to push a little harder. Fortunately I have found a select few to join me in my torturous training endeavors. Whoever created the "Sissy Test" is one sick son of a bitch and my personal hero!

The Sissy Test

  • 25/2 handed kettlebell swings-1 burpee
  • 24/2 handed kettlebell swings-2 burpees
  • 23/2 handed kettlebell swings-3 burpees

Continue the ladder until you reach

  • 1/2 handed kettlebell swing-25 burpees

At 6ft. tall and 218lbs., I used a 32kg kettlebell. I finished in 51 minutes 44 seconds. That was 34 seconds longer than my last "Sissy Test" this past summer.

Music by Tiesto(Techno/Dance)


jmt20psu said...

I will attest again to the fact that this is the most brutal thing at 23 swings and 3 Burpees you ask your self WTF am I doing. Then thte ultimate pain is those last rounds 21,22,23,24,25 Burpees. The only good thing is you have gone this far and quitting would make you a sissy. So finishing is guaranteed. Thanks Jason for motivating me through this one. It was ugly.

KimT said...

This is a brutal workout! The metal aspect at 13 and 13 is awful. You're thinking you're halfway there, but have the hardest half to go with all the burpees. I'm happy to have finished (even though it was modified, no pushups on the burpees, due to the shoulder injury caused by the first time we did this)in under an hour. The first venture took an agonizing 1 hour 47 minutes. Glad it's over and hope to do it again some day when the shoulder is recovered. Thanks for the motivation guys!